Unfortunate News

Last night I read some news that was very disturbing to me.  Those of you who’ve followed me from the beginning know I have an affinity for the band Jethro Tull.  Well, it turns out the front man for the band, Ian Anderson, has been diagnosed with “an incurable lung disease.” As the interview proceeded,… Continue reading Unfortunate News

Higher Education

So, last night J and I watched this documentary about Bob Dylan.  In addition to speaking to his prowess as a song writer/poet, they put things into historical perspective.  So, during the middle 60’s when college students were just now starting to burn their draft cards, people who were “protesting the protesters” were decrying the… Continue reading Higher Education

Continued Lighter Fare

Ok so yesterday I posted a listing of ten bands/acts I’d seen with one of them being a lie.  Today, I thought I’d reveal which is the lie and some minor details about the true concerts. In listing order: I saw Uriah Heep in November, ’78.  They were actually the very first band I ever… Continue reading Continued Lighter Fare

Lighter Fare on a Sunday

So, with all this staying indoors and not going anywhere, I, like many others, am spending inordinate amounts of time on social media.  Yesterday was kind of fun, though.  We were to list ten bands we’d seen in concert, but one of them had to be a lie.  I figured some of my close friends… Continue reading Lighter Fare on a Sunday

Deadline Met

Hello all, Below is the review I wrote for my friend Mark, in Chicago.  The album is due out February 15.  This review should be published on his website some time before that.  The review is rather lengthy, so feel free to skim, but I think it was pretty well written.  Thanks for taking the… Continue reading Deadline Met


Ok so I had a lucky experience day before yesterday that I’d like to share.  It just goes to show that sometimes you get lucky. I should start by saying that I drive for Lyft and Uber, a couple of quasi taxi cab operations.  Over the course of driving one does get the opportunity to… Continue reading Serendipity

why not? concluded

So, over the last ten days or so I’ve posted album covers without explanations.  That was the rule as set forth by someone who started the whole thing in facebook.  However, this isn’t facebook and I haven’t been blogging much so i figured why not? The ten covers posted were not necessarily my ten most… Continue reading why not? concluded

Day ten of ten

My significant other  nominated me to do this on facebook.  I saw my friend Steph (scrichmondblog.wordpress.com) doing the same here, so I’m posting my ten album covers from facebook here as well.  No explanation—just the covers.  Enjoy.  Here’s day ten.