No Way!

I’ve written this before but it continues to boggle my mind. (Granted, my pea sized mind is pretty easy to “boggle” but still). It’s the first of July already. Tomorrow is the exact half way point of 2021. We’re half way through this year. How?

I know, as one gets older, the time truly goes by faster. Still, how is it half way through. I mean, it’s now something like seven months since we celebrated, well not so much Biden’s victory as the evil one’s loss. Seven months. My god, in five months I’ll be a year away from 60. What?

Okay, I admit, none of these are original thoughts, but still my mind continues to be blown every time we turn the calendar over to a new month. Guess there’s nothing we can do about it. Just grin and bear it. Didn’t mean to bum anybody out. Carry on.

And, as always, here’s wishing everyone peace on this beautiful and (possibly) rainy again Thursday.

By schingle

Though I have many interests, writing is my passion. I love music, sports, various puzzles that require thinking, women (and other human beings), dogs and my son. Probably other things too. But, more than anything, writing is my passion.

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